Psychological & Consulting Services

Debunking Common Myths About Sexual Offenses

Serving communities throughout the state of Arizona for over 30 years.

At PCS Forensic, we aim to promote factual understanding to responsibly assess and treat problematic sexual behaviors.

Let’s debunk some societal myths.

Myth vs Fact

Myth: Those who commit sexual offenses are mentally ill.

Fact: Few sexual offenders suffer from major mental illnesses like psychosis or schizophrenia. While some have anxiety or depression, this does not cause their behavior. Most demonstrate problematic personality traits and perceptions.

Myth: You can predict who might commit a sexual offense.

Fact: There are no reliable demographic indicators for sexual offenders – they span all ages, genders, races, 

relationships statuses and socioeconomic groups. Over 80% know their victims.

Myth: Sexual misbehavior stems from childhood trauma.

Fact: Though plausible sounding, not everyone traumatized acts out sexually. A characterological difference exists between those who use past trauma as an excuse and those who do not.

Myth: Sexual misconduct is caused by substance use.

Fact: While drugs and alcohol reduce inhibitions, they don’t determine someone’s behavior. Many remain responsible when intoxicated, a difference in character.

Myth: Life stressors directly trigger sexual offenses.

Fact: Stress can produce greater urges but does not outright cause sexual misconduct on its own. Self-control differences when under stress exist.

*Myth and fact by Brecken R. Blades, Psy.D. and Steven R. Gray, Ed.D.

The foundations of problematic sexual behaviors are complex, involving biological, social and psychological factors. Let us help responsibly assess and provide guidance without judgment.

Assessing the Root Causes

The origins of sexual offending behaviors are quite complex, involving biological, social and psychological factors. At PCS Forensic, our licensed psychologists have extensive training in responsibly uncovering root causes through our court-ordered assessment process.

We use clinical interviews, valid testing instruments, and collateral records to evaluate contributing risk factors – from personality disorders or mental illnesses to histories of abuse and attitude toward previous offenses.

Recommending Tailored Treatment

Based on our findings, we provide clear, personalized recommendations to promote rehabilitation, prevent recidivism risk, and help both offenders and victims move positively forward through appropriate treatment programs and interventions.

Grounded in years of experience and peer-reviewed research, we stand ready to consult and inform, not accuse nor judge. If you or a loved one are struggling with sexual behaviors that feel out of control or cause harm, compassionate support is available.

Start Your Journey in Confidence

Contact PCS Forensic online or call (480)-777-8807 to learn more about our psychosexual evaluation and treatment services provided across the Phoenix metro area. Our expertise brings clarity along with care.


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